We caught up with Katie Harvey this summer to see how college is going and get an update on what’s new with her in the sunshine state of Florida. Katie, the 2017 National Scholarship recipient, just finished her freshman year at Flagler College. Katie wrote to tell us all about college life, her upcoming work as a Peer Mentor and tutor, duties as a co-maid of honor and her true love of coffee and pizza (although we aren’t sure which one ranks above the other as her true favorite)!
In reading through Katie’s update, we couldn’t help but notice her personality has such a striking resemblance to Vicki’s. Katie’s zest for life and passion for education shines right through! Katie faced some challenges adjusting to college life, as it is a big change for so many, but preserved and is feeling good going into her Sophomore year.
In her own words Katie said, “I can’t lie about this: I walked into Flagler College with picture-perfect expectations of what my freshman year was going to be like, which were all based on the stories that my sisters had told me of their college years. It wasn’t until I had finished my first semester, though, that I started to understand just how much these expectations were keeping me from developing a story that was all my own. And so, my freshman year was an adjustment period filled with so many mistakes, achievements, phone calls to my mother, moments of laughing until my stomach hurt, and times in which I asked my friends where exactly the time was going- but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Throughout my freshman year, I wrote so many papers that I think I may have indented my laptop’s keyboard. I was able to begin working at the Alumni House from the start of the school year and found a friend in my very stylish and sweet boss. I made it a goal to not procrastinate as much as I did in high school, but then I got busy doing other things. I kept my sassy sense of style with me at all times, and landed on the Dean’s List both semesters! And while I spent a lot of time working at the problems I was faced with both in and out of the classroom, I was also planning for the year that is now right around the corner. As a sophomore, I will be helping one of my favorite professors as a Peer Mentor for her freshman students, even though I still look like a freshman myself (and probably always will). But if I’m not mentoring new kids at Flagler or finally getting the chance to start doing practicum hours at the nearby elementary school, I can be found in the Learning Resource Center as a Writing Tutor! I am so excited to learn more about education, but even more excited for the teaching experiences that all of these positions will provide me with. This summer I am taking the time to help plan the wedding of the century as a Co-Maid of Honor, and being the best Dog Mom I can be. But Saint Augustine is always in the back of mind and in my heart, right next to my love for pizza.
One of the things I will remember most about my freshman year of college will definitely always be the education course I took in the second semester. I have never had an instructor like the one I did for this class, simply because of how much he knew about the field and the ways he went about teaching his wisdoms. In the essay I wrote a year ago for my application for this scholarship, I mentioned that the blinds in my classroom would always be open to let the light in. Because my spring education course was always a little stressful, I always opened the blinds to lighten the mood. My professor, without fail, would close them after coming in each day. And I, without fail, continued to open them in hopes that they would stay that way. Personally, I find this to be my biggest achievement: not losing my light-hearted spirit. I quickly discovered that among all the business of “discovering who you are,” some of my passions were simply permanent. My love of breaking out into song and dance stayed with me in college, even at the library. And even when I had a million and one assignments to complete, my teaching courses were where my heart felt most at ease, despite the three cups of coffee flowing through me. No matter how many blinds were going to remain closed, I still had every intention of being the light. So, that being said, college can change a lot about who you are, but it won’t ever change who I want to be. This I am most sure of.”
Never change Katie!! You are exceptional! We absolutely loved hearing from you! We wish you all the best as you begin work as a Peer Mentor, devote hours as a writing tutor and keep up with your course requirements. We are so proud of you for making Dean’s list both semesters and cannot wait to see what your Sophomore year has in store for you. Give your dog extra kisses from Team Vicki Soto! You are the light Katie! Keep shining!